
The complete commit history for phyddle is located here: https://github.com/mlandis/phyddle/commits/main

phyddle v0.2.2 – 24.07.19

  • Reduce pypi package size from 100MB to 75kB.

  • Fix bug that caused lower CPI bound to be slightly misestimated.

  • Improve scatter/coverage and training history plots.

phyddle v0.2.1 – 24.07.11

  • New support to save, load, and clean projects. Nice for collaborations! 🀝

  • Improve detection of replicate indexing in Simulate/Format.

  • Better warnings/errors for invalid settings.

  • Remove logit transformation from summary statistics for state frequencies (caused crash in some cases).

phyddle v0.2.0 – 24.03.28

  • New support for categorical labels (e.g. model testing).

  • New plots for categorical results.

  • Add support for GPU + CUDA + PyTorch to accelerate Train and Estimate.

  • Support for early stopping rule with Train.

  • Improved printed feedback for all steps.

  • Better plots for PCA and scatter plot results.

  • Simpler default directory structure. Default phyddle configs, scripts, and outputs now share a proj directory in ./workspace.

  • Better support for multiple project names within a workspace directory.

  • Rewrote how Format/Estimate/Plot interact so simulated-test/empirical datasets are treated similarly.

  • Better error checking and helpful messages for Simulate-Format config mismatches.

phyddle v0.1.1 – 24.02.18

  • Simpler directory settings for analyses

  • Simpler settings application hierarchy

  • Removed workspace and proj arguments

  • Removed requirement for __config_default.py

  • Repo directory restructuring, with clearer distinction between scripts and configs

  • Added example simulation script for PhyloJunction

phyddle v0.1.0 – 24.02.08

  • Update minor version from v0.0.10 to v0.1.0 πŸ₯³

  • Convert from Tensorflow to PyTorch on backend

  • New support for scalable network architecture in Train

  • New support for output precision for floating point output to files

  • New summary csv report for Plot

  • Better screen output for Train progress

  • Better training history plot

  • Better network architecture plot

  • Better handling of cases where small tree size causes tree statistics to return 0/undefined/etc.

  • Fix bug with non-sequential indices among simulated training examples

  • Fix bug with Format for-loop to process summary statistics

  • Switch summary statistics to log-scale

phyddle v0.0.10 – 23.11.10

  • Basic GitHub Action tests working

  • Format step faster (removed extraneous and costly deepcopy calls)

  • Convert config_R.py to BiSSE example using R + castor

  • Add external validation for phyddle vs. castor

  • Improve config support

  • Cleaning and commenting code

  • Clean and finish sphinx documentation

phyddle v0.0.9 – 23.08.23

  • Package now hosted through conda: https://anaconda.org/landismj/phyddle

  • Better errors for missing files (configs, command, scripts, etc.)

  • PyPI package installed through pip now autoinstalls dependencies

phyddle v0.0.8 – 23.08.16

  • Minor fixes following 0.0.7 update

  • Documentation visuals fixed

phyddle v0.0.7 – 23.08.16

  • Format now splits training from test datasets.

  • Estimate now applies trained model against test dataset.

  • Steps now initialize using settings look-up table.

  • Add PCA contour plot.

  • Simplify filenames within projects for many steps.

  • Timestamp step start/end/duration.

  • Docs now hosted online at http://mlandis.github.io/phyddle

  • Python package now hosted through pip at https://pypi.org/project/phyddle/

  • Add bump2version supports

phyddle v0.0.6 – 23.08.09

  • Refreshed documentation, plus added setting tables and glossary.

  • Centralize management of settings.

  • Settings now automatically apply default config, then user config, then command line arguments.

  • Format only enodes for a single tree width category now.

  • Format now downsamples and stores raw num. taxa for each data point.

  • Allow for β€œall-but-X” CPUs for multiprocessing.

  • Simulate wth –sim_more option to add new replicates to training examples.

  • Format encodes all detected datasets by default.

  • Support to allow scripts to simulate batches (>1) of replicates.

  • Major overhaul of help docs, but not done.

phyddle v0.0.5 – 23.07.30

  • Pipeline steps renamed to: Simulate, Format, Train, Estimate, Plot

  • Simulators now in scripts/sim/MASTER, scripts/sim/R, scripts/sim/Rev

  • Streamlined handling of phyddle settings, internally

  • Model configuration code moved outside phyddle

  • MASTER simulator now outside phyddle, in scripts/sim/MASTER

  • Complete source code reorg/rename

  • Pipeline script now prints pipeline steps

  • Support for granular management of flow of projects across pipeline steps

  • Support asymmetric CPI calibration

  • Better handling of FileNotFoundError related to Estimate step

  • Much faster Formatting step (>100x speedup)

  • Pipeline steps now generate logs in workspace/log/<project_name> to track phyddle is used during a project analysis

  • Tested against Apple M1. Not an easy install, because unsupported by Tensorflow. Thanks Albert and Sean!

phyddle v0.0.4 – 23.07.09

  • Simulating now supports command-line scripts

  • Better backend support for alternative phylostate tensor encodings

  • Simplified pipeline scripts and interface

  • Docs improved to reflect current code design

  • Tests now cover Simulating and Formatting

phyddle v0.0.3 – 23.07.02

  • Sphinx configuration for documentation

  • TestPyPI configuration for package deployment

  • GitHub Actions configuration for unit testing

phyddle v0.0.2 – 23.06.25

  • (first internal working version)

  • trained network generates parameter estimates and coverage-calibrated prediction intervals (CPIs) for input datasets

  • provides several state-dependent birth-death model types and variants (more to come)

  • parallelized simulating, formatting, and learning

  • encoding of phylogenetic-state tensor from serial and extant-only input with multiple states (CBLV+S and CDV+S extensions)

  • encoding of auxiliary data tensor from automatically computed summary statistics and β€œknown” parameter (e.g. sampling rate)

  • HDF5 with gzip compression for tensor data

  • shuffles and splits input tensors into training, test, validation, and calibration datasets for supervised learning

  • builds network with convolution, pooling, and dense layers that match input tensors

  • trains network and saves history

  • automatic figure generation with Matplotlib

phyddle v0.0.1 – 23.03.16

  • (initial development version)